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  • 2018年江苏自考《外贸英语写作》常见句式五 日期:2018-09-10 11:25:53 点击:110 好评:0

    3、 访问的安排信件 We are enclosing a revised list of the composition of the delegation. Please note that Mr. , an official of the Export Development Corporation has been added to the delegation. We wish to advise you that the delegation...

  • 2018年江苏自考《外贸英语写作》常见句式四 日期:2018-09-10 11:25:24 点击:79 好评:0

    2、 访问邀请信 We would like to (cordially) invite to come to during for a-day visit. We have great pleasure in extending our warmest invitation to to visit during We are glad to invite and warmly welcome a delegation from to visit in It...

  • 2018年江苏自考《外贸英语写作》常见句式三 日期:2018-09-10 11:24:59 点击:142 好评:0

    三、出国访问往来信件 1、 提出访问要求 We are pleased to announce that is planning to visit your country early next May. write to let you know that we are planning to send a purchasing group of four people to visit your country in the later...

  • 2018年江苏自考《外贸英语写作》常见句式一 日期:2018-09-10 11:24:03 点击:139 好评:0

    日常办公信 一、安排约会 l Would you be free to meet me at? l Wouldbe convenient to you? l If it is not convenient to you, please suggest another time. I shall be in for , fromto I shall be please to see you You are welcome to We regret...

  • 2018年江苏自考《外贸英语写作》常见句式二 日期:2018-09-10 11:23:58 点击:181 好评:0

    二、介绍信 This is to introduce who is (has been) We have great pleasure in introducing to you, by this letter, Mr. It gives us great pleasure to introduce to you, the bearer of this letter, Mr. I am very pleased to introduce Early n...

  • 2018年江苏自考《英语翻译》常用单词(4) 日期:2018-09-10 11:22:25 点击:190 好评:0

    discard / dis ka:d/ vt.丢弃,抛弃 according / E kR:diN/ ad.(与to构成介词)按照,根据 hard-and-fast a.明确的,不容改变的;ad.坚定地,不变动地 reveal / ri vi:l/ vt.1.揭露,泄露;2.展现,显示 influence / influEns/ n.1.影响(on);2.势力,...

  • 2018年江苏自考《英语翻译》常用单词(3) 日期:2018-09-10 11:22:01 点击:140 好评:0

    decade / dekeid/ n.十年,十年期 alphabetize / AlfEbEtaiz/ vt.按字母顺序排列,用字母表示 quotation / kwEu teiFEn/ n.1.引文,引语;2.(交易)报价 stack / stAk/ n.一叠(堆),堆栈 vt.把叠成堆,堆放 illustrate / ilEstreit/ vt.说明,阐明;给作...

  • 2018年江苏自考《英语翻译》常用单词(2) 日期:2018-09-10 11:21:21 点击:167 好评:0

    regard / ri ga:d/ vt.看待,考虑 n.重视,关心;致意,问候 eccentric / ik sentrik/ a.(人,行为,举止等)古怪的,怪癖的;异乎寻常的 editor / editE/ n.编辑,编者 peculiar / pi kju:ljE/ a.1.特殊,独特的;2.奇怪的,古怪的 occurrence / E kQrEn...

  • 2018年江苏自考《英语翻译》常用单词(1) 日期:2018-09-10 11:19:55 点击:108 好评:0

    mainly / meinli/ ad.主要地;大部分地 grammarian / grE mZEriEn/ n.语法学家 supreme / sju: pri:m/ a.1.最高的,至上的;2.极度的,最主要的 authority / R: WRriti/ n.官方,当局,当权者;权力,权威 usage / ju:zidV/ n.1.惯用法;2.使用,用法 di...

  • 2018年江苏自考《英语翻译》常见句式(3) 日期:2018-09-10 11:19:25 点击:108 好评:0

    留学对年轻人来说具有很大的吸引力。留学确实是一种崭新的经历,给我们提供了发现新事物的机会。但是我们也必须对可能会面临的问题有所思想准备。由于社会制度、信仰、价值观以及生活方式的不同,我们可能会受到文化震荡的困绕,难以适应新的环境。 我们通常...
