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自考在线学习 +问答


  2024 年 4 月高等教育自学考试


  课程代码 :00096

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  注意事项 :

  每小题选出答案后 ,用 2B 铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑 。如需改动 ,用橡皮 擦干净后 ,再选涂其他答案标号 。不能答在试题卷上。

  一、单项选择题 :本大题共 15 小题 ,每小题 2 分 ,共 30 分。

  在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个可以替代句中划线的单词或词组 ,请将其选出并将 答题卡( 纸) 的相应代码涂黑。错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。

  1. Economic problems were exacerbated by three bad harvests ( 1959- 1961 ) with the result that national income and the volume of foreign trade contracted during 1960- 1962.

  A. increased B. reduced C. expanded D. enlarged

  2. But every provincial capital is doing its best to attract foreign investment.

  A. draw in B. repel C. exclude D. destroy

  3. After a slowdown through 1990 , China,s economy bounced back mightily , reaching a recent peak of 13 per cent growth last year.

  A. shrank B. rebounded C. dropped D. drew back

  4. Aggregate output for developing countries advanced by slightly less than 2 per cent during 1991 , implying an easing in per capita income of 0. 1 per cent.

  A. stagnated B. fell C. stopped D. grew

  5. The opening themes of the new administration,s trade policies emerged this week.

  A. ideas B. men C. studies D. numbers

  6. Europeans will wake up new year,s day with the same 10 per cent unemployment and doubts about European unity.

  A. questions B. be certain C. trusts D. believes

  7. Japan,s government is deeply opposed to what America,s trade representative , Mickey Kantor , has called a new policy geared to“ quantifiable results ”for some products.

  A. generally B. averagely C. suddenly D. very

  8. Our future lies in becoming a truly global company.

  A. trustily B. artificially C. falsely D. really

  9. It involves a $ 1350 million onshore gas project.

  A. contains B. excludes C. overcomes D. removes

  10. As a result the world is now close to concluding the Uruguay round of GATT talks.

  A. disputes B. problems C. negotiations D. fights

  11. Over five years some 200 Swiss companies benefited from Northrop,s assistance.

  A. suffered B. injured C. damaged D. profited

  12. If these products live up to their early performance in test markets-a big if-they could produce $3 billion a year in retail sales.

  A. resist B. reject C. short of D. fulfill

  13. Each consumer in Hong Kong eats an average of 215 fresh eggs each year.

  A. newly produced B. preserved C. dyed D. rotten

  14. One key commodity , sugar , has recovered.

  A. goods B. sweet C. service D. price

  15. Sterling,s decline lent some support to the base metal sector.

  A. beat B. borrowed C. gave D. failed

  二、判断题 :本大题共 10 小题 ,每小题 2 分 ,共 20 分。

  判断下列各题 ,在答题卡( 纸) 相应位置正确的涂“A”,错误的涂“B”。

  Passage 1

  The Curtain Goes up

  The central government,s determination to raise the level of industrial technology is clearly behind the decision to open the 14 coastal cities. In addition , China is now ready to spend US $14. 2 billion of its foreign-exchange reserves ( which stood at US $ 16. 5 billion in June 1984) to buy foreign technology. The Bank of China has also said that new and more flexible loan policies will enable“ thousands ”of domestic enterprises to borrow foreign exchange to import equipment and repay in Renminbi.

  The need to upgrade industrial equipment is great: official figures show that in 1980 , 20% of

  China,s capital stock was already 10-20 years behind that of the West. Another 20% —while technologically backward—worked well , but the remaining 60% should have been scrapped or renovated. The combined industrial output of the 15 coastal areas is reportedly equal to a quarter of the nations total.

  But while the reasons for throwing 19 areas and cities open to foreign investment and technology transfer are clear , how the preferential systems will operate is not.

  16. China is trying to improve the industrial technology.

  17. The open policy is only for the inland 14 cities.

  18. China will buy technology with its foreign-exchange.

  19. Domestic companies are ready to buy equipment with loan from foreign banks.

  20. China has a huge demand for upgrading industrial equipment.

  Passage 2

  The Economic Scene: A Global Perspective

  In the commodity market , prices of all major categories declined in 1991. The index of nonoil primary commodity prices in nominal dollar terms decline for the third consecutive year , and the index in real terms hit an all-time low. Growth in the volume of world trade in constant dollar terms declined from 5 per cent in 1990 to 3 per cent in 1991 , mainly the result of the slowdown in industrial countries import demand. There were no breakthroughs in the Uruguay Round of GATT negotiations on key elements , and the outcome remains in doubt.

  In matters relating to the environment , the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development , held in June 1992 in Rio de Janeiro , produced an“ Earth Charter , ”or declaration of basic principles for the conduct of nations and peoples with respect to environment and development; agreements on specific legal measures , including conventions on climate change and biodiversity , and principles for a framework agreement on forests; and an agenda for action , establishing the environmental work program agreed by the international community for the period beyond 1992 and into the 21st century.

  21. The prices of main goods did not change in 1991.

  22. Nonoil primary commodity prices were at historical low.

  23. Growth in the volume of world trade was 5% in 1990.

  24. The“ Earth Charter ”is related to the environment.

  25. The environmental work program agreed by the international community was only for the period of 1990s.


  注意事项 :

  用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔将答案写在答题纸上 ,不能答在试题卷上。

  三、将下列中文词组译成英文 :本大题共 10 小题 ,每小题 1 分 ,共 10 分。

  26. 海关税

  27. 利润汇款

  28. 进口关税

  29. 多样化

  30. 政府采购

  31. 欧洲共同体

  32. 倾销

  33. 复出口

  34. 可兑换货币

  35. 试销市场

  四、将下列英语单词或词组译成中文 :本大题共 10 小题 ,每小题 1 分 ,共 10 分。

  36. balance of payments

  37. state councilor

  38. dump truck

  39. tax-cut-induced boom

  40. impose against

  41. staff writer

  42. bankruptcy

  43. Gulf region

  44. fast food shops

  45. discount rate

  五、简答题 :本大题共 6 小题 ,每小题 3 分 ,共 18 分。

  Passage 1

  French farmers are violently opposed to the reform of the common agricultural policy that Europe,s governments agreed to last May. In certain respects , the farmers claim , the GATT deal now in prospect would take that reform further , damaging their interests even more.

  If it is a small matter to France,s farmers that the Uruguay round should fail , so long as they keep their subsidies , that is understandable. What is shameful is that their government appears to agree with them , even though most of the French economy would gain handsomely from a successful round. Jean-Pierre Soisson , the farm minister , has said France may block the EC,s acceptance of a new farm-trade deal , and thereby wreck the round. This position is politically alarming as well as economically indefensible. Other EC governments must see off France , and start hailing a gain for liberal trade.

  46. Why are the French farmers against the reform?

  47. What is the meaning of“so long as”?

  48. What does“ see off”mean?

  Passage 2

  What is more , currency movements over the past year have unexpectedly made matters worse for many producers. In the first half of the 1980s , it was conventional wisdom to say that the exceptional strength of the dollar was partly responsible for—and helped to offset—the increasing weakness of dollar-denominated commodity prices. All other things being equal , so the argument went , a subsequent fall in the dollar might be expected to give a compensating boost to dollar commodity prices.

  But now the dollar has fallen , and the very reverse has happened : commodity prices have continued to tumble from the peak they reached in the second quarter of 1984. To many developing countries , the trend is deeply worrying as well as bewildering—the terms of trade have worsened dramatically for them. For the industrialized world , by contrast , the drop in commodity prices has been a real boon in the fight against inflation.

  49. Who suffered from the currency movements over the past year?

  50. How did commodity prices actually change after the decline of the US dollar?

  51. How do the industrialized countries benefit from the dollar-fallen?

  六、翻译题 :本大题 12 分。

  52. When Japanese demand picks up again , imports will grow more quickly than in past recoveries. This is because the volume of Japanese imports has become more sensitive to the domestic economic cycle.

  Parts and components account for a growing share of Japan,s exports; 28% of total exports and 36% of machinery exports in 1992 compared with 19% and 28% respectively in 1981. MITI believes that such exports should be of less concern to advocates of managed trade than consumer goods , because components increase the competitiveness—and therefore the export potential—of the industries that buy them.

  From now on , MITI argues , Japan,s overseas plants will increasingly export their output back to Japan. Before , they bought Japanese exports of equipment and parts.












