I. 课程性质与设置目的要求
通过本课程的学习,学习者应达到普通高等院校英语专业基础阶段的相应水平。设置本课程的具体目的是:自学者通过读和听获取语言和信息,对信息进行加工处理,在此基础上做出相应的反应 ---在原有知识及语言的基础上对所获得的内容和语言进行加工和重组,并赋予新的内容,以口头形式进行语言输出,实现交流目的,完成交际。
Ⅱ. 课程内容及考核目标
1. 热身练习,为口语活动的进一步开展做好准备。(Warming-up)
2. 朗读、模仿语音语调、记笔记并根据笔记内容进行课文复述或角色扮演。(Reading aloud, Note-taking, Imitation, and Retelling and Role playing)
3. 学习课文、词组表达以及相关背景知识,并就课文内容回答问题 (Answering Questions)
4. 学习对话、进行对子活动(Pair Work)
5. 讨论题(Discussion)
6. 公共演讲 (Public Speaking)
根据课文语言及内容、以对子(Pair Work)的形式进行扩展性练习。
5. 公共演讲
Ⅲ. 有关说明与实施要求
以上列出的课程学习内容和考核目标,将作为考生学习和考试命题的主要依据。考生应围绕本课程的指定教材,按要求全面系统地学习和掌握每一课的主要学习内容。口语考试是对学习者英语口头表达和交际能力的检测。考生应针对英语口语自学考试教材进行自学自练,能够用基本准确、得体的英语进行口头表达和交际活动。考试命题范围将主要围绕教材学习内容,以教材所涉及的主题为中心。 此外,测试亦涵盖一些有关考生个人背景、日常生活、工作学习、兴趣爱好等方面的内容。
Part One: Read aloud the text in italics and answer 4 questions(20%)。其中朗读占4分,每个问题各占4分。满分为20分。朗读主要看考生朗读时的语音语调(如单词发音、强读、弱读、连读、不完全爆破、升降调、节奏等)和流畅度。回答问题主要看考生的回答内容是否正确、准确、完整。
Part Two: Mini - presentation(20%)。所谈内容的思想性和完整性各占10分。满分为20分。内容的思想性即看考生所谈内容是否紧扣主题,完整性则看考生能否围绕主题展开陈述,回答是否全面、完整。
Part Three: Discussion(20%)。所讨论内容的相关性和扩展性各占10分。满分为20分。
Part Four: Oral discourse performance(40%)。该部分主要从语篇的角度评价考生完成以上三部分内容时的口语表现。具体包括“语音语调”(Pronunciation & intonation)、“词汇语法”(Grammar & vocabulary)、“话语运用”(Discourse management)和“互动交流”(Interactive communication)四个部分,每项各占10分。共40分。
Directions for Candidate:
* Read the following passage in the preparation room for ten minutes, and then get ready to:
* Read aloud the text in italics.
* Answer the four questions about it from the examiner. You are not allowed to look at the passage when you answer the questions.
Christmas Cards and Celebrations
The practice of exchanging Christmas cards became a widespread custom in the 19th century. Europeans had distributed woodprints of religious themes for Christmas during the Middle Ages. In 1843 English illustrator John Callcott Horsley created the first modern Christmas card. The card depicted a family celebration and its words read, “A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to You.” In the United States, German - born printer Louis Prang made advances in color lithography(平版印刷术)that enabled him to mass produce a colorful Christmas card in 1875. The card sold extremely well, and soon the custom of exchanging Christmas cards spread throughout the country.
Most people who celebrate Christmas also participate in special holiday activities in their homes. Families often decorate evergreen trees and place colorfully wrapped presents beneath them. A family member might read passages from the Bible. Or families might gather around the television to watch old movie favorites or holiday cartoons. Each year ad Christmas approaches, many families attend church gatherings that recount the story of Jesus' birth. On Christmas Eve, children often hang stockings; they awake in the morning to find the stockings filled with gifts from Santa Claus. Many families attend church on Christmas Eve and open their gifts that evening. Others wait until the next morning to exchange gifts.
I: Read aloud the text in italics and answer questions about it.
Directions: Read aloud the text in italics, and then answer four questions about the passage. You are not allowed to look at the passage when you answer the questions. (5 x 4%)
Now, please first read aloud the text in italics in this passage.
(Allow candidate to read aloud the text. Retrieve the passage when he/she finishes reading.)
Christmas Cards and Celebrations
The practice of exchanging Christmas cards became a widespread custom in the 19th century. Europeans had distributed woodprints of religious themes for Christmas during the Middle Ages. In 1843 English illustrator John Callcott Horsley created the first modern Christmas card. The card depicted a family celebration and its words read, “A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to You.” In the United States, German - born printer Louis Prang made advances in color lithography(平版印刷术)that enabled him to mass produce a colorful Christmas card in 1875. The card sold extremely well, and soon the custom of exchanging Christmas cards spread throughout the country.
Most people who celebrate Christmas also participate in special holiday activities in their homes. Families often decorate evergreen trees and place colorfully wrapped presents beneath them. A family member might read passages from the Bible. Or families might gather around the television to watch old movie favorites or holiday cartoons. Each year ad Christmas approaches, many families attend church gatherings that recount the story of Jesus' birth. On Christmas Eve, children often hang stockings; they awake in the morning to find the stockings filled with gifts from Santa Claus. Many families attend church on Christmas Eve and open their gifts that evening. Others wait until the next morning to exchange gifts.
Now, answer questions about this passage:
1. Who was John Callcott Horsley? (And what did he do?)
2. What words were written on the first modern Christmas card?
3. What do families do in their homes to celebrate Christmas?
4. Why do children often hang stockings on Christmas Eve?
Ⅱ: Mini-presentation(20%)
Directions: In this part of the text, I am going to give you a choice of three different topics. I'd like you to select one of the topics and talk about it for 2 minutes. You have about 1 minute to prepare for this, and you can make notes if you wish.
(Place the following card in front of the candidate, and allow 1 minute for candidate to prepare.)
Topic A: What measures can be taken to control the rising birth rate in China's rural areas? And why?
Topic B: What preparations should one make before going on a holiday? And Why?
Topic C: What leisure activities do you have in your spare time? And why?
Will you begin talking by telling us which topic you have chosen to talk about? I will just listen and ask you to stop after about 2 minutes.
Ⅲ:Discussion (20%)
Directions: In this part of the test, you are going to discuss a topic. You have about 30 seconds to think how to begin and then discuss the topic for about 3 minutes.
(Place the following card in front of the candidate, and allow 30 seconds for candidate to think.)
Topic: How to improve one's study habits?
(Use the following prompts to elicit discussion from the candidate.)
Your own study habits:
Can you sum up your own study habits in a few points?
Are you satisfied with your own study habits?
Which of your study habits are still in need of improvements?
The importance of improving one's study habits:
Is it important to constantly review one's study habits? Why/Why not?
Is it essential to improve one's study habits? Why/Why not?
How do you think you can improve your study habits?
Specific study habits:
Is it important for one to make plans for study? Why/Why not?
Is note-taking important when reading ?Why/Why not?
Do you prefer to study independently or study together with someone? Why?
(This is the end of the speaking test. Thank you.)