6、 你不想进来喝杯茶吗?谢谢
won't you come in and have a cup of tea?
7、 要是他愿去,我能有什么办法?当然,你不能强迫他。
If he is willing to go, what can I do with it.
Of course, you can't force him to.
8、 难道雨还没停?已经下了3个小时了。看样子要下个没完。
Hasn't the rain stopped? It has been raining for 3 hours.
It doesn't seen to stop.
9、 事情既然已经发生了,哭有什么用?
Now that it has happened, what's the use of crying?
10、 难道你还不明白他的意图吗?
Haven't you understand his intention?